Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My first blog

It is said that i am very lazy to have a blog..
but now, i have one and start to type anything regarding to my life story
the story is not like a tale story but a myth
not any of legend myth, but ordinary people story that looks like a legend
where you can find one man soul on it
where you can have much stranger to know you
and life would be a very colorful

and here, i'm sitting in front of my laptop
sharing something to you guys
and maybe it might find useful..

I love music instrument very much and this afternoon, i'm going to take it and learn it
such a common instrument, which i got it from a friend of mine, that can produce a good mood for me and for her. actually she is the one that support me well on this and i'm gonna play her what i got someday..^^

A Saxophone

it's not i don't play my old instrument anymore, which is several type of guitars, piano and violin, but it might find cool if you can play saxophone well as you can see saxophone sound is very sexy..hahahaha...
ok then..my first blog is written...hope it can be a very good sharing...

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